Study on Analysis Methods for Large-Scale Anisotropy of Very High Energy Cosmic Ray 甚高能宇宙线大尺度各向异性分析方法研究
The theoretical study of nuclear structure and the origin and evolution of stars elements of nuclear and cosmic ray problem. 原子核理论研究恒星的结构和演化,元素的起源和核合成,以及宇宙线问题。
That time, the safety switch was thrown by a cosmic ray striking the computers and throwing a power switch. 那时候,由于被宇宙射线撞击计算机和转动电源开关安全模式被激活。
Adjustment of Parameters of Primary Cosmic Ray Energy Spectrum with Recent Direct Measurments 利用宇宙线直接测量结果对初级宇宙线能谱参数的调整
Wavelet analysis of the cosmic ray intensities at Guangzhou muon station during January 7-11, 1997 1997年1月7日至11日广州站宇宙线强度变化特征的小波分析
Any of several photographic emulsions used to detect and visually display the paths of charged subatomic particles, especially of charged cosmic ray particles. 照片的感光乳剂,用于侦测并形象地显示带电亚原子微粒,尤指带电宇宙射线微粒的路径。
Single event upset ( SEU) induced by cosmic ray in electronic devices seriously imperils the safety of spacecraft. 单粒子翻转对应用在航天领域的电子设备的可靠性具有重大的影响。
A New Method to Reconstruct the Primary Energy of Knee Region Cosmic Ray 重建EAS膝区事例初能的一种新方法
The reconstruction method of muon tracks in the L3 cosmic ray experiment has been studied. 对l3宇宙线实验中μ子事例的动量重建方法进行了研究。
The characteristics of hadron component in the cosmic ray high energy γ-ray families are presented. 本文给出了宇宙线高能γ族中强子成份的特征。
Nuclides generated by cosmic ray irradiation 宇宙射线辐照生成的核素
In this paper, the structure of RPC, the curves of efficiency, counting rate, dark current, multiple hit and signal amplitude versus high voltage measured using cosmic ray are presented. 介绍了使用自制的材料制作的大面积阻性板探测器模型的结构和利用宇宙射线测量的效率曲线、单计数率曲线、暗电流曲线、多重计数和信号幅度随高压的变化曲线。
A study of cosmic ray telescope of plastic scintillator 宇宙线塑料闪烁望远镜系统时间特性的研究
Endeavour delivered the two billion US dollar cosmic ray detector that will remain on the space station for the next decade. 奋进号带去了价值20亿美元的宇宙射线探测器,并在未来十年里停留在太空站。
Very high-energy particle emission from the solar cosmic ray flares 太阳宇宙线耀斑中的甚高能粒子发射
They announced the discovery recently at the40th Lunar and Planetary Conference and at the Proceedings of the International Workshop Advances in Cosmic Ray Science. 他们是最近在第40届月球和新球大会上,以及宇宙射线科学国际研讨会活动上宣布了此次发现。
The changs of aerosol concentration and cosmic ray also affects the electric field in fair weather regions, the ground current density and the electric field. 气溶胶浓度和宇宙射线的变化也会影响到晴天区电场以及雷暴区地面电流密度和电场;
CERN physicists conducted a cosmic ray climate experiment that is said to directly contradict the climate change debate in the political arena. 欧洲核子研究中心的物理学家进行一项宇宙射线的气候实验,据说是直接地与在政治舞台上的气候变化争论相茅盾;
Cosmic-ray high energy physics Effect of the cosmic microwave background Radiation to the flux of the Superhigh Energetic Cosmic Ray 宇宙微波背景辐射对超高能宇宙线流强的影响
Simulation calculation for detection efficiency in the measurement of cosmic ray Hadron Spectra 宇宙线强子谱测量中探测效率的模拟计算
Study on the Production Characteristics of Cosmic Ray High Energy Family Events with Simulation and Experiment 宇宙线高能族事例产生特征的模拟与实验研究
Further application of pulsed laser technique to the study of high energy physics and cosmic ray physics are discussed. 最后,就脉冲激光技术在高能物理和宇宙线物理研究中的进一步应用作了讨论。
The reconstruction of shower core is one of the key works of cosmic ray experiment based on terrene. 簇射芯位重建是基于地面的宇宙线观测实验的关键工作之一。
Anisotropy Analyses of Cosmic Ray Before the Geomagnetic Storm on Sep.24,1998 1998年9月24日地磁暴前宇宙线各向异性特性分析
Read this article about the correlation between cosmic ray activity and global warming, for instance. 关于宇宙射线活动与全球变暖之间的关系请阅读这篇文章。
This is a big cosmic ray project in Southern California, and also one of the biggest in the world. 这是在南加州一个大型的宇宙射线研究计划,也是全世界最大的宇宙射线研究之一。
Incident Radiance Reuse Filter and Improvement of Radiance Estimation; Effect of the cosmic microwave background Radiation to the flux of the Superhigh Energetic Cosmic Ray 入射光复用滤波和光辐射强度估计的改进宇宙微波背景辐射对超高能宇宙线流强的影响
Hence the properties, such as energy and incident direction, of the incident cosmic ray can be calculated according to data from stations. 因此,透过比较不同观测站的数据,可以推算原初宇宙射线的能量、入射方向等资料。
The satellite also found local magnetic fields, indicating that Mars once had a global magnetic field like Earth's, shielding it from cosmic ray. 卫星同样发现了火星的磁极,表明火星曾经有一个像地球一样的磁场,来屏蔽宇宙射线的影响。
The number of cascade particles changes according to the incident cosmic ray energy, observation height, etc. 到达地面的簇射粒子数目会随不同因素而改变,包括原初宇宙射线的能量、观测高度等。